


2nd Flow Battery for Energy Storage Forum 2024





2nd Flow Battery for Energy Storage Forum 2024

In 2023, the new installed capacity of new energy storage in China reached 21.5GW/46.6GWh, which is three times that of 2022. It is expected that the new installed capacity of new energy storage in China will exceed 35GW in 2024. In policy, the NDRC and the NEA issued A notice on promoting the grid connection, dispatch and operation of new energy storage (draft) in November 2023, requiring to improve the overall utilization level of energy storage; Shandong Province issued several measures to support the pilot application of long-term energy storage In July 2023, requiring the energy storage duration of pilot projects to be no less than 4 hours.
In 2023, both technologies and market of Flow battery developed rapidly. The new planned capacity of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) was more than 8GWh. In September 2023, Shanghai Electric held a strategic press conference, announced that it had successfully developed the 5kW/25kW/32kW/65kW series stack and delivered more than 50 VRFB energy storage projects. In December 2023, DICP developed a 70kW high power density VRFB stack, with a cost reduction of 40% compared to a 30kW stack. HengAn Energy Storage planned a Zinc Bromide Flow Battery (ZBFB) project with annual production capacity of 10GWh; Iron Chromium Flow Battery (ICFB) achieved megawatt level applications; The 1MW/8MWh all iron flow battery energy storage project started construction; A Zinc Iron Flow Battery (ZIFB) company obtained large-scale financing; The world’s first megawatt level aqueous organic flow battery was produced.
In 2024,What are the new trends of policies and market of the energy storage industry? What are the new breakthroughs in technology for different flow battery? What challenges will the flow battery industry face in development? What market opportunities will companies in the industrial chain face?

2nd Flow Battery for Energy Storage Forum 2024, co-organized by Asiachem and Shanghai Electric, will be held in Shanghai on March 20th. The forum will explore topics such as market, technology, investment and financing, industry development, equipment, and key materials of VRFB, ICFB, ZIFB, ZBFB, iron flow battery and aqueous organic flow battery.


1. Policy and market of energy storage
2. Comparative analysis of different long duration energy storage
3. Cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of flow battery and energy storage system
4. Cost and technical competitiveness of different flow batteries: VRFB, ICFB, ZIFB, ZBFB, iron flow battery, aqueous organic flow battery, etc
5. The industrial landscape, market demand, and development prospects of VRFB energy storage technology
6. Industrialization of VRFB and key materials
7. Research on Short Process Preparation of Vanadium Electrolyte
8. The latest progress of ICFB energy storage technology
9. ZIFB and long duration energy storage
10. All iron flow battery and industrialization progress
11. The latest research and industrialization progress of organic flow batteries
12. Research progress in zinc-bromide and other zinc-based flow batteries
13. The latest technology of proton exchange membranes for flow batteries
14. Safety and application scenarios of flow batteries
15. Investment and return analysis of flow energy storage power station
16. Production process and equipment for flow battery


If you have interests, please kindly contact with us:

Joanna Chen Tel: +86- 18930537136(WeChat the same)




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