Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap – Industrialization Perspectives Toward 2030

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  • 创建日期 2024-01-08
  • 最后更新 2024-01-08

Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap – Industrialization Perspectives Toward 2030

The market for lithium-ion batteries (LIB) continues to expand,across borders and despite crises. In 2023, sales could exceed the 1 TWh mark for the first time. By 2030, demand is expec￾ted to more than triple to over 3 TWh. The high growth rates of recent years are set to continue.
The transition from gigawatt hours to terawatt hours in demand and production has many implications for the indus￾try, but also for technology development and the requirements for batteries. For example, recent regulatory requirements mandate battery sustainability. The mass use of LIBs in electric vehicles has pushed the issue of battery price to the fore and more technical factors such as energy density and range into the background, at least in the smaller vehicle and mass segments. As the market continues to grow, questions of production localization and the share of value creation that stakeholders and nations will have in the future will become more important.
This study "Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap - Industrialization Perspectives Toward 2030" attempts to take into account the status of LIB as an established technology by focusing on the scaling activities of the industry, while still considerung the numerous technological challenges that range from materials to the final treatment of end-of-life batteries. The result is a quantification of this industry until 2030 and an evaluation of approaches in the areas of materials, cells, production, systems and recycling, not only according to their performance but also according to their significance for three key trends: The pro￾duction of performance-optimized batteries, the production of particularly low-cost batteries and the production of particular￾ly sustainable batteries.

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